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The Love Diamond Project


The Love Diamond Project emerges as a grassroots community group, driven by compassion and dedicated to empowering the TLGBQIA+ community and individuals impacted by HIV. Central to our ethos is a steadfast commitment to advocating for human rights,  building affirmative environments through education, and actively working to dismantle systems of oppression deep rooted in discrimination and hate . Our efforts are especially concentrated on supporting individuals impacted by mass incarceration, emphasizing self-care rehabilitation and social equality. As a beacon of hope and solidarity, we tirelessly work to foster an inclusive society where we love, respect, and have dignity for everyone.

Home: Welcome

Who We Are

Our Roots

Since 2020, we have contributed to ongoing efforts to unify community and liberate those disenfranchised by a unjust society!

Home: Who We Are


We are dedicated to uplifting the experiences of TLGBQIA+ individuals through our advocacy efforts that centers Black and Brown folxs.


Connecting Communities 

We are committed to a movement that is united. Through connecting communities, we are bridging the gap between community members and with resources that increase our quality of life.

Get in touch today and get involved with our cause.

Home: What We Do

The Love Diamond Project

Get in touch with The Love Diamond Project to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

525 East Ohio Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212

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